Ray Blanchard’s “autogynephilia” theory states that lesbian trans women are men who are sexually attracted to their own inner female. The hypothesis is used actively by transphobes to invalidate trans women as “paraphiliacs” or sexual perverts. The fact is, however, that the theory has been thoroughly debunked by both trans people and science.

On this page, we give you a selection of articles and papers that gives you the history of Blanchard’s model of “transsexuality”, documentation on why it is misleading, information on how it hurts trans women and how it is used by transphobes today.

We also presents links to articles that covers J. Michael Bailey’s book on the topic: The Man who would be Queen.

We hope this resource page may be of help to trans and nonbinary people who reach for this theory when trying to explain their own sexuality and gender variance. The theory is based on 19th century concepts of sexuality and gender, so it feeds easily into internalized transphobia and homophobia among those who have been raised in a traditionalist culture.

Some highlights (documentation below):

  • Trans people, like cis people, are sexual beings with sexual fantasies, and for some trans people, especially those who have not transitioned, dreams about becoming their target sex may be eroticized. Such transformations open up for scenarios where they can have a sex life in harmony with their true selves.
  • Such fantasies are not limited to lesbian trans women. Many straight trans women and trans men have them too. Such fantasies have also been found among people who consider themselves cis.
  • The idea that there are two completely separate categories of trans women have been debunked by science.
  • Feeling sexy is not a sexual perversion, neither among cis people nor among trans people.
  • Lesbian trans women are perfectly capable of being attracted to other women.
  • Ray Blanchard, the man who came up with the autogynephilia hypothesis has never published any proof of his theory. Indeed, his own data debunks that there are two completely distinct categories of trans women. He is now actively helping “gender critical” transphobic “feminists” and white supremacists in their attacks on trans women.

From our network

All you need to know about “autogynephilia”

Autogynephilia defined

Trans woman: Am I a woman or is it just “autogynephilia”?

New Study Dismisses the Autogynephilia Approach to Transgender Experience

The Autogynephilia Theory Debunked by New German Study

Blanchard debunked: Surveys show that all kinds of people experience “autogynephilia”

What Dr. Zhana Vrangalova Taught Me About Transphobia in Science

What the sexual fantasies of non-transgender people tell us about the dreams of those who are trans

Gender variation, normalcy, “autogynephilia” and the culture war

Is there a cure for “autogynephilia”?

Ray Blanchard, the researcher who came up with the “autogynephilia” concept.

On evolution, autogynephilia and Anne Lawrence

Felix Conrad Unmasks the Autogynephilia Theory in New Book on Transgender People

Women’s Health Debunks Transphobic Autogynephilia Theory

Kourtney Kardashian on “Autogynephilia” in Non-transgender Women

On Charles Moser’s critique of Blanchard’s autogynephilia theory

Transgender people speaks

The important Contrapoints video on autogynephilia, by Natalie Wynn.

Julia Serano: Making Sense of Autogynephilia Debates

Lynn Conway: CAMH battles notorious reputation of Zucker’s and Blanchard’s gender clinics with scathing report

Madeline H. Wyndzen: Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Autogynephilia but Were Afraid You had to Ask

Aella: Everyone Has Autogynephilia

Zinnia Jones: Alice Dreger, autogynephilia, and the misrepresentation of trans sexualities (Book review: Galileo’s Middle Finger)

Kelley Winters: The Infallible Derogatory Hypothesis

Beth Orens: Autogynephilia: A Mistaken Model

Sandra M. Lopes: The Ongoing War: Science vs. Community regarding Transexuality

Siobhan O’leary: Trans-antagonistic nonsense of many varieties.

Zagria: What is Autogynephilia?

Amethysta Herrick: The Autogynephilia Myth: Transphobia’s Favorite Lie (video)

Lisa Mullin: The Pseudo-Science of Autogynephilia

Anonymous: Female Sexuality and The Two-Type Theory: Why “Autogynephilia” Matters

Musicotic: Autogynephilia Myths Version 2.0

Life after Gonzales: Science and Ideology: The Blanchard-Bailey-Lawrence Model of Transsexuality

Joanna Santos: The Problem with Arousal

Julia Serano: Reconceptualizing “Autogynephilia” as Female/Feminine Embodiment Fantasies (FEFs)

Amelia Hansford: Five lies TERFs tell about the trans community – debunked

Julia Serano: The real “autogynephilia deniers”

Julia Serano: Autogynephilia, Ad Hoc Hypotheses, and Handwaving

Julia Serano: Autogynephilia and Anti-Transgender Activism

Julia Serano: “Autogynephilia” & psychological sexualization of MtF transgenderism (video)

On J. Michael Bailey’s book The Man Who Would Be Queen

Lynn Conway: An investigation into the publication ofJ. Michael Bailey’s book on transsexualism by the National Academies

Andrea James: American Psychological Association Division 44 vs. transgender people (on Bailey’s book)

Julia Serano: Psychology, Sexualization and Trans-Invalidations

Joan Roughgarden: The Bailey Affair: Psychology Perverted

Deidree McCloskey: A data-bending psychologist confirms what he already knew about gays and transsexuals.

The transgender author Imogen Binnie has written a novel that addresses the “autogynephilia” theory.

Imogen Binnie: The Man Who Would Be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending and Transsexualism

Science papers and articles

Julia Serano and Jaimie Veale: Autogynephilia Is a Flawed Framework for Understanding Female Embodiment Fantasies: A Response to Bailey and Hsu (2022)

Silly Ol You: Cherrypicking The Transgender Brain

Talia Mae Bettcher: When Selves Have Sex: What the Phenomenology of
Trans Sexuality Can Teach About Sexual Orientation

Julia Serano: Autogynephilia: A scientific review, feminist analysis, and alternative embodiment fantasies’ mode

Charles Moser: Autogynephilia in Women

Jaimie Veale: Love of oneself as a woman : an investigation into the sexuality of transsexual and other women

Jaimie Veale: Evidence Against a Typology: A Taxometric Analysis of the
Sexuality of Male-to-Female Transsexuals

Larry Nuttbrock et al: A Further Assessment of Blanchard’s Typology of Homosexual Versus Non-Homosexual or Autogynephilic Gender Dysphoria

Larry Nuttbrock et al: The Limitations of Blanchard’s Typology: A Response to Lawrence (2010)

Jelena S. Laube, Matthias K Auer, Sarah Biedermann, Johanna Schröder: “Sexual Behavior, Desire, and Psychosexual Experience in Gynephilic and Androphilic Trans Women: A Cross-Sectional Multicenter Study.”

Roi Jacobson and Daphna Joel: “An Exploration of the Relations Between Self‐Reported Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in an Online Sample of Cisgender Individuals,” 

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